How to make money on Facebook

 How to make money on Facebook without investing anything?

 How to make money on Facebook without investing anything? We will talk about this interesting post, which will explain in the best and most effective way how to earn extra money with your page.

 How to make money on Facebook

The Facebook platform, which has more than a billion users, is a great opportunity for businesses that want to use it to sell and advertise. For this reason, we offer you various successful ways to achieve it, so I encourage you to continue studying.

 Earning requirements

Here are some suggestions on how to make money on Facebook:

 One of the mandatory requirements is to have a Facebook account. You can use your personal account, but it does not have a specific profile of the product, so not everyone will be interested in what you sell.

With a certain page, everyone who enters has the same interests. So you need to have a Facebook page.

 After creating your personal Facebook page, we will teach you 8 different ways to use it to make money. By the following methods:

 Make Money With Remembrance On Facebook

If your business page has a large number of fans waiting for your daily publications, you can take advantage of the opportunity to make money by mentioning or advertising your business and products. Because there are companies willing to pay for notes in your publications and introduce themselves to new customers.

 It is important to interact with companies that operate on the same parameters as your business, for example, if this is a mobile phone sale, the ideal thing is to contact the brands that sell mobile phone accessories. To do this, you need to create a list of people or companies that are interested in your company, and then contact them and offer to pay for publications.

 How to make money on Facebook

 Sell ​​your products

Another way to make money is to sell e-books, guides, and digital products that can all be done electronically. To do this, you need to upload your files to the cloud platform, post it on Facebook with a nice photo and a payment link.

 These promotional posts should be written for every ten regular posts you make on Facebook. That way, more people can see you.

 Advertise products related to your page

If you don’t have products to sell, you can advertise other people’s products and earn a commission for the goods you sell, a process called marketing. To do this, you need to place in your publications a link provided by the company in order to promote the partner product.

Today, there are many companies working in this format, among which we can mention: Amazon, Apple, Clickbank and others. You just need to search for a company online that can suit you and sign up for programs that accept all the regulatory parameters to be part of their system.

By publishing a company link, you get a commission on the amount sold using this method each time a person clicks on it and buys a sponsored product. As you can see, it’s easy to do with just one message.

Submit information to your blog with AdSense ads

If you’re one of those people who writes your blog regularly, you can make money by directing your Facebook fans to it to make money. You need to place Google AdSense ads on your blog so that when they visit your page, they will see your ads and make more money.

 Every time you write an article for this. You click on the link, go to your blog, and post a link with a description that interests you to see your ads.

 How to make money on Facebook

 Sell ​​your Facebook page

Today, there are people who create pages on a particular topic, publish interesting material to attract fans, and then sell the page when it reaches a large number of followers. This has become a big market because many people or companies buy Facebook pages with fans for their business or brand of their products.

How to make money on Facebook
How to make money on Facebook

With this method, you need to be patient, but the most important thing is to create content that is appealing and that you know how to use on the platform, make money, or make as a profession. For example, a Facebook page can sell for $ 150 to $ 2,500, depending on the number of fans.


Make Money on Facebook by Likeing

  if you ask . How to Like and Make Money on Facebook? This method is based on likes and dislikes, which in turn means that the company pays you for what you like. Distinguished companies include: FanSlave, Fandealer and Adman Media.


Make money with videos from Facebook

 You can earn money through Facebook, for this we will teach you ¿C. How to make money with videos on Facebook? With video ads that contain ads that you need to see to the end to make money with this method.

 Make money via Paypal via Facebook

How to make money with Facebook 2017 ? This was a question posed for the period, as Facebook is said to have earned more than $ 2016 million in 2016 alone, a figure that is part of the statistics because of the revenue generated by the use of the sales strategy on this platform. .


This PPC ad was made by getting millions of dollars, where every click a person gets is directed to the advertiser’s website, a campaign that has been repeated since 2017 and still continues in 2020 on Facebook.


With all of the above, you can make money on Facebook through a variety of methods that you can use. So I encourage you to research the topic and start testing it.

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